Doyle Park Elementary School sixth grader Karla Ayala is Santa Rosa City Schools student of the month for May.

Ayala is described by Doyle Park staff as an “excellent, motivated student.”

“Karla is the epitome of a life-long learner,” the staff wrote in endorsement of Ayala’s being honored. “She is highly motivated and often does extra credit work, unprompted by the teacher…Additionally she always goes above and beyond the stated expectations on assignments, adding creative flourishes, and extra research on interesting subtopics.”

Recently Ayala spent her free time creating a mural of Ancient China.

Ayala is described as a leader among her fellow Dragons, always lending a hand and thinking of others in every situation.

“Her desire to be kind and thoughtful of others seems to compel her to stand up for others in situations and also stand up for herself and for what she believes in when necessary,” according to Doyle Park staff.

Ayala is “mature, thoughtful, kind, motivated and industrious.”


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