spell1spell2spell3spell4176 school wide spelling bee winners were winnowed down to 20 in a series of four regional spelling bees hosted by the Sonoma County Office of Education.

The regional bees determined which students will advance to the county spelling bee scheduled for March 29. First and second place winners at that competition will advance to the statewide contest May 15 at Sonoma State University.

Check out the following winners who advanced to the county bee:

South County Regional

1–Lilly Reinstein, grade 6,

McNear School

2—Calvin Jin, grade 6,

Harvest Christian School

3—Grace Cutting, grade 5,

St. Francis Solano School

4—Erin Martin, grade 6,

Two Rock School

5—Sarah Jane Catarozoli,

grade 5, Valley Vista School


North County Regional

1—Taylor Wang, grade 6,

Strawberry School

2—David Donaldson, grade 6,

John B. Riebli Elementary School

3—Sienna McDonald, grade 6,

Alexander Valley Elementary School

4—Dhyana Brylka, grade 5,

The Healdsburg School

5—Reny Grothen, grade 5,

Binkley School


Central County Regional

1—Anthony Martensen, grade 6,

Madrone School

2—Emily Lu, grade 5,

Marguerite Hahn Elementary School

3—Kevin Bailey, grade 6,

Santa Rosa Accelerated Charter School

4—Bianca Hillegas, grade 6,

Hidden Valley School

5—Paul Gamboa, grade 6,

Albert F. Biella Elementary School


West County Regional

1—Lana Tan, grade 6,

Guerneville School

2—Noelle Heron, grade 5,

Salmon Creek Charter School

3—Acacia Mueller, grade 5,

Salmon Creek Charter School

4—Amandeep Singh, grade 6,

Bellevue School

5—Whitney Nguyen, grade 6,

Roseland Elementary School

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