web4web7web5web3web6McDowell School in Petaluma got an early holiday gift in the form of new landscaping at the front of campus courtesy of the Active 20-30 Club of Petaluma.

Volunteers from the civic group planted more than 150 native grasses, plants, shrubs and bulbs. They also put in 10 yards of compost and 15 yards of mulch.

All of the work was done on Dec. 6.

“We hope our efforts to beautify the frontage of McDowell Elementary will help instill pride and confidence in the students,” club president Wade Call said in a statement. “Everyone deserves to be proud of their school.”

Principal Maureen Rudder, who labored alongside club members, said the work is much appreciated.

“With ever declining financial resources, this landscaping project would not have been possible this year or in the near future,” she said in a statement. “The staff, students and families of McDowell School appreciate the support of this civic minded group.” web2

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