Kasey Schalich is Santa Rosa City Schools high school student of the month for January.

Schalish, a Piner High senior, has earned a 4.5 grade point average in her four years at Piner while participating in the Early College Magnet program

Schalich is a member of the basketball team, as well as a runner on the track and cross country teams.

She is active with 4-H and tutors elementary school students in Spanish.

“My class was a better class because she was a part of it,” said Schalich’s AP physics teacher, Steve Carpenter.

The staff at Piner describe Schalich as a student of intellectual curiosity and maturity who is humble about her many achievements.

“She is simply a wonderful person to be around and will enrich the lives of many in any academic community of which she is part,” the school’s testimonial to the board reads.

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