science-fairSix Sonoma County students have been invited to move onto the California State Science Fair in Los Angeles in May after winning a local competition on Feb. 24, according to officials at the Sonoma County Office of Education.

Twenty-six other students won blue ribbons and will advance to the San Francisco Bay Area Science Fair this month.

Awards were determined by teams of local scientists, business people, teachers and other community members. The judges viewed student project displays, then interviewed students to determine the quality and thoroughness of their research.

Top honors went to:

Allen Chu of Maria Carrillo High who presented a project called “Is there a correlation between short-term memory and IQ?”

Jessica Conrad of Maria Carrillo High who presented a project called “Are Wi-Fi radio waves harmful?”

Cameron Crook of Maria Carrillo High who presented a project called “Are phytoplankton affected by a decrease in light?”

Samantha Royall of Mary Collins at Cherry Valley who presented a project called “Which type of water filter is best, sediment or carbon?”

Each of the students earned $100 for themselves and $100 for their school, along with a telescope donated by the NASA outreach program at Sonoma State University.


Two other students earned a trip to the regional and state competition.

Kathleen Cuschieri of Maria Carrillo High’s presentation of “How does what everyday people find attractive compare to what the media advertises as attractive?”

Tiffany Wei of Maria Carrillo High presented “What type of music affects people the most in terms of speed and accuracy when working on math problems?”


More than 100 students participated.


Other students receiving 2010 Science Fair blue ribbons:

James Arietta

Maria Carrillo High

Hormone effects on plants


Jacob Austring and Sean Snyder

Technology High

Do rocket fins affect trajectory and speed?


Arthur Baney

Technology High

Computerized simulation of genetic selection in evolution


Shyla Barry

Mary Collins at Cherry Valley

Fabric dyes—natural vs. synthetic


Michael Beard

Healdsburg Junior High

Out in the cold


Stella Brown

Mary Collins at Cherry Valley

How do different light sources affect the growth of plants?


Lena Eiger

Kenilworth Junior High

The cloud chamber


Michael Goodanetz

Valley Oaks High

Bacon or cookies?


Sophia Grubb

Rancho Cotate High

Surface adsorption effect on protein denaturation by alcohol


Husna Hadi

Technology High

Effects of engaging in cellular conversations while operating a motor vehicle


Ellie Haiman and Jared Martino

Technology High

Effects of temperature and light on algae growth


Sam Hauptman

Maria Carrillo High

Brain freezes


Yanelly Jimenez and Acacia Garcia

Valley Oaks High

Yanelly and Acacia’s music project


Brianna Lehane

St. Francis Solano

Who has a cleaner mouth: a dog or a human?


Caitlyn Long and Kevin Miller

Technology High

Subliminal messages, a new form of mind control


Danielle Maillard

St. Francis Solano

Yummy visions


Colin Metcalfe

Maria Carrillo High

Effects of lowered temperatures on the adaptability of bacteria


Michael Setchko Palmerlee

Maria Carrillo High

Plants and pollution


Garrett Soiland

Jewett Academy

Effects of an enhanced carbon dioxide atmosphere on plant growth


Andrew Strachan

Rincon Valley Middle

Optimizing a Lego NXT drag racer

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