UPDATE: An Elsie supporter just shot me a message: The theater group is going to Scotland in August of 2011, not this summer (the information has been corrected below). That gives backers some time to attend one of their many planned fundraisers. Stay tuned.


Elsie Allen drama students are bound for Scotland next summer to take part in the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The massive event runs every year in August and transforms the entire city to stage where visitors can see performances on street corners, churches, parks, office buildings, theaters and playgrounds.

Elsie Allen was one of 75 high schools selected from more than 2,000 nominees to take part, according to the school.

Because the two-week trip takes place outside of the school year, it is not sponsored by Santa Rosa City Schools.

For more information, contact Elsie’s drama director Rob Burt at 528-5489 or at rburt@srcs.k12.ca.us

For more information on the Fringe Festival, go to www.edfringe.com or follow the Fringe Festival on Twitter at @edinburghfringe

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