Grab a tissue and check this out.

El Molino High School was recently featured in a nearly hour long Tom Brokaw documentary that aired on USA Network. The feature “Tom Brokaw Presents Bridging the Divide” can be viewed here:

El Molino students are featured during this year’s annual Challenge Day on campus, an event during which all students spend time sharing thoughts and feelings on bullying, discrimination, teasing – things that in the documentary it becomes clear affects most kids at some point in their lives. It’s an emotional look at the process of connecting with peers, friends and even kids who are not friends.

In one segment, students are asked to finish the sentence: “If you really knew me, you’d know…”

Some answers included “…that I don’t live with my family right now,” “…that every day when I wake up I step on the scale and I see what my weight is…” and “…you’d know that I never fit in at schools.”

El Molino comes on with 9:15 remaining in the segment, but the whole documentary is worth a watch.

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