A class of El Molino High School viticulture students got a hands-on lesson in grape growing early in the school year Tuesday when they helped harvest plump, ripe pinot noir grapes from the  school’s one-acre vineyard.

An El Molino High School viticulture and plant science student snips a cluster of pinot noir grapes Tuesday, Aug. 25. (Photos by Aleyah Banuelos)

An El Molino High School viticulture and plant science student snips a cluster of pinot noir grapes Tuesday, Aug. 25. (Photos by Aleyah Banuelos)

For about  15 years, students have grown and harvested the grapes — about 2 tons a year —  in collaboration with a local grape grower. Right now, Dutton Ranch oversees the vineyard operations.

About two to five tons are harvested each year, then sold to San Francisco’s Bohemian Club, which turns them into wine.

A second harvest will yield grapes that culinary students will turn into pinot noir jelly and syrup, another fundraiser for the department.

The photo was taken by teachers’ aide Aleyah Banuelos, courtesy of Agriculture Teacher Marilee Mazur.

Have a story or pictures of something cool going on at your school? Send it my way by emailing jamie.hansen@pressdemocrat.com.

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